Saturday, July 28, 2012

The world wants a miracle ... to impress them - Luke 23, 24

The world wants a show from Jesus.  The world, like Herod who wanted to see Jesus in hopes that he might see a miracle performed by Him, wants to see water turned to wine, water come out of a rock, or someone walking on water.   The world, especially if they come to a church service, wants a show.  And, why not.  Doesn't God - or at least the image of the name God - demand and/or invite a show?   He did make the stars didn't He?  He did create lighting didn't He?   He made huge mountains and deep valleys; certainly a "show" is within His capabilities ... isn't it?   Herod, like the world today, wants to see something special from God.   Yet, they have to look only as far as their hands to see a miracle.  Wiggle your fingers and there is a miracle.   Do some research on the character and power of lighting and the next time you see it you will stand in awe of the God who created it,   We have traveled east and west in this country and stood on the highest peaks and in the lowest valleys.  They are majestic and miraculous in their formation.   God did that.   Yes, we all want to see someone healed.  We want to see a leg restored, or sight repaired.  Yet, when God takes a drug addict or a simple sinner and gives him/her righteousness and changes their life, we simply let that slip by.  Herod wanted a miracle ... God provides them every day.   We don't have to look any farther than the amazing body He created and give breath everyday.  

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Standing Tall In A Slouching World - Psalms 24-26

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