Saturday, July 7, 2012

I deserve a pay check! Luke 17-18

Have you ever received a pay check from an employer or client that you KNOWINGLY did not deserve?  It would be assumed that most people think they not only "deserve" their income, but deserve more.  That is just part of our human nature.   We like to be noticed for what we do and we want to "earn" those "rewards" - typically believing we deserve more.    However, Jesus had some different thoughts on our "work" for Him; the fruit we produce to demonstrate our love toward Him.   Note the following

Luke 17:10- So you too, when you do all the things which are commanded you, say, ‘We are unworthy slaves; we have done only that which we ought to have done.'

When God commands us to do things for Him and in HIs name we might be lead to follow the world's philosophy and mind-set ... to believe we are owed something from God.  There are plenty of believers who think if they obey they will in turn be worthy to receive God's blessings and even deserve those blessings.   How many believers have ever uttered or thought, "God, I have been doing what you asked, why did you allow this to happen?"   That is the attitude of "payment for work" that we have preached and practiced in our society.   What Jesus says in Luke 17:10 is that if we obey God we should not look at it as though we are "owed" something but rather that we are "unworthy slaves and we have done what we ought to have done."   It is tough for us to change our mindset since the world's philosophy is so permeating in our day-to-day norms.   Let's realize that, by faith, we are to obey God.   We are to show our love for Him for HIs saving us as acts of obedience.   We don't "deserve" anything.   We are unworthy of what we have.   The next time you get a check from you employer approach it as though you "don't deserve" it but that you are getting something you don't deserve.  That is the mindset that Jesus is talking about in relationship to Him.   

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