Thursday, July 19, 2012

Are you greedy for rigtheousness? - Proverbs 11-12

Proverbs 11:6 The righteousness of the upright will deliver them, But the treacherous will be caught by their own greed.

If you have ever been accused of falsehood or bad motives or had someone question your credibility, this proverb is a refreshing and comforting thought.   If you approach something with falsehood, bad motives and poor credibility, you are acting with treacherous thoughts.  You will be caught in your own greed ... the desire for something you should not have ... power, position, honor.   However, if you are seeking God's truth and desiring God's Ways for whatever the situation you face, than that "righteousness" will deliver you from false acquisitions and the traps others set for you.  A person who desires righteous outcomes let's God worry about their reputation.  Think of Daniel here!   Daniel was a righteous man and loved by the kings he served.   However, those who had greed in their hearts and wanted to have Daniel's power and position sought evil for Daniel.   They were eventually thrown in the lion's den while Daniel lived, even the lions had their chance with him first.   His three friends had the same possible fate with the hot fire.  However, their righteousness delivered them and fried their treacherous accusers.   If you are in a struggle make sure you are seeking and have greed for righteousness and not greed for something for yourself.  

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