Sunday, June 10, 2012

How are you dealing with al the "stuff" in your life? Galatians 4-6

Have you ever wondered why you get sick at the most inopportune times?  Sickness, difficulty and struggles seldom come when we want them ... but, then again, who ever wants them.   In Galatians 4:13 we read Paul's words to the believers in the area of Galatia.  He is reminding them of the great things they have in Christ but as he does so he also reminds them that if it were not for some type of sickness he would never had preach the gospel to them.  Paul must have become ill and had to hold up among them in that illness.  During that time period Paul used the opportunity to preach the gospel.   The fruit of his labor is are the believers in Galatia.   God uses these type of circumstances to move us and hold us where we are to be held.   God used the evilness of Joseph's brothers to get him to Egypt.  He used the sensual behaviors of Potipher's wife to get him in jail.  He used the mistake of one of the Kings servant to get him in contact with the King.   God uses this stuff in our lives to move us.   The next time you are worried about the "stuff" in your life not making any sense or having any purpose or messing up your life, remember this: God is using that stuff to get you in the right place to speak of HIs glory and salvation.   

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