Saturday, May 5, 2012

What ever happened to Barabbas? Mark 15-16

Whatever happened to Barabbas?    Barabbas, as you will remember, was the prisoner Pilate released to the crowd for their ceremony.   Pilate (and the entire Roman judicial system) was corrupt and would often make deals with individuals and with the citizenship in regard to the guilty.  Pilate was a political beast and would have had no problem wanting to "position" himself with this gathered crowd of "influencers."   His tradition, according to the the tradition, was, at the Passover, to release a prisoner (no doubt a symbolic gesture by the Roman surrogate to obtain political capital).  But, whatever happened to Barabbas once he was released?  Where did he go?  What did he do?    Scripture is completely silent on the man.  We have no knowledge that he went on to be a pauper or a priest. We do not know if he continue his life of robbery and insurrection, or if he went on to lead a church filled with saints and sinners.  Perhaps that is the problem here.   Barabbas is a picture of us.  We were "released from the prison of sin" when Christ took our penalty for us.   It is a shame that Barabbas doesn't have a glowing testimony in the Church and in Scripture.  Here he had the opportunity to make a difference with a second chance.   Like the Word of the Lord coming to Jonah a "second time" Barabbas experienced grace.   But, unlike Jonah, nothing significant happened in Barabbas' life for history to take note of it.   Is that true of our lives, as well?   We have the opportunity to have "new life" - set free from death and condemnation and we do nothing significant for our Savior and King.   Let's realize that we are all Barabbas in our sins but we don't have to be in our legacy.  Living for God after we are saved and making history for Christ is the reason we are saved.  

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