Monday, May 28, 2012

Quit trying to do it all youself ... take the hand offered - Exodus 33-36

"I will do it for you."   We grow up hearing those words.  When we first have to tie our shoes we hear, "I will do it for you."   When we can't zipper our coat someone will say, "I will do it for you."   When we can't reach the Frosted Flakes on the shelf we hear, "I will get it for you."   What wonderful words to hear.   When we get old and can't do some things they are even more soothing and settling.   When we can't shovel the driveway or the sidewalk we would love to hear, "I will do it for you."   When our car is covered with snow and frost and it needs to be cleared off we want to hear, "I will do it for you."   So, with all that help, why do we still resist it and try to do things ourselves.   In Exodus 33:2 God speaks to the nation of Israel and says, "I will do it for you" in regard to driving out the evil nations that currently occupied their land.   God had promised Abraham and his descendants the land of Canaan.  But, nations currently lived there.   In God's plan they were simply caretakers of the land while the nation was formed and delivered from Egypt.  Now it was time to take possession of the land.   Here is where God tells them He will send an Angel (Christ) to deliver the land into their hand by conquering the nations.   Yet, Israel, as we know didn't take advantage of that promise and that aide ... not to the end.   Yes, Joshua, as we will soon read, used that Angel (or, was used by that Angel) to conquer nations.   But, the nation of Israel soon wants to become self reliant.   Do we not do the same thing in our Christian walk.  God promises to sanctify us through the Spirit and we still try to conquer sin ourselves.  Rather than fight sin with the shield of the Faith and the Sword of the Spirit, we attempt to do so in our own flesh.   Let's let God, "do it for us."   Let's let God conquer our sin after He has sent His son to pay for our sin.  Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God as the risen Savior and Conqueror and is saying, "I will do it for you."  

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