Saturday, April 21, 2012

Why is everyone else wrong and Christians are right? Mark 11-12

Why do so many people make mistakes when they get into a discussion about the after life and about life in general?   Can so many people be wrong and only a small margin of the population be right?   Are not the masses right?  The majority thinks they are always right.   The majority holds the power so what they think tends to rule our society.   However, in this section of Mark we see the "majority" of religious leaders reject Christ, the Son of God.  They want to lead the rest of the population into their own way of thinking and reject the minority voice of Jesus, who would later say in an exclusive statement, "I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father but through me."   So, why is the majority wrong?  Why are so many philosophers, psychologist, politicians and prophets wrong?  Notice what Christ says in Mark 12:24 -  Jesus said to them, “Is this not the reason you are mistaken, that you do not understand the Scriptures or the power of God?  Jesus tells us the problem.   When people fail to understand Scripture and doubt the power of God they fail to grasp God's wisdom and the plans for mankind and creation.   It is as simple as that and as complex as that, at the same time.   When mankind talks (via the venue of politics, philosophy, medicine, the humanities) they will be vastly mistaken unless they consider and believe two things:  1) the Word of God and 2) the Power of God.   Without an understanding of God's Word and without a belief in God's Power we have a crash course into the abyss.  You can't answer man's problems without knowing the Word of God and without believing the Power of God.   It is that simple.  

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