Monday, April 30, 2012

Do you complain? Want to know why? Exodus 17-20

When we fear about "provisions" we are really fearing or fretting about "God's presence" among us.  We are actually fearing He doesn't see our affliction or possible struggle.  We are actually worrying over His care of us and doubting His ability or interest in our affairs.  In this section we see that the Israelites grumbled "against" Moses over something to drink.  Leadership is often asked to provide the basic essentials for the ones they lead.  However, this was not the real issue facing the nation.   It wasn't the lack of water they were actually grumbling about, but whether God would take care of them.   They had so little faith and were immediately drawn to the flesh.   We are the same way.  We start to fear what our flesh doesn't have and we forget to walk in faith toward God.   Our flesh is so powerful in our life (especially when we first become believers).  It is only after we exercise ourselves in the practice of walking in faith that we can cease from our grumbling and complaining.  Moses actually named the place they were at "quarrel" and "strife" because that is what they did without faith.   When we have the absence of faith we have the presence of fight.   Don't allow your flesh to move you into the land of faithlessness.   Allow the crisis at hand to move you to faithfulness.  

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