Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Choose to be loyal over "principle" not party people - 1 Samuel 1-4

Sometimes, in the midst of a organizational, community or countries issue, the leadership has to demonstrate, overtly, their concern and interest in the issue. David was genuinely insulted that Joab had killed Abner. Abner had killed Joab's brother (although his brother was pursuing Abner and tried to kill him) and Joab was exacting revenge. However, David didn't want his kingdom to be built on the revenge factor. David wanted to show mercy and grace. He had done so to Saul in his life and he wanted to continue that with those who served Saul. Later David would show mercy to Saul's remaining heir, Jonathon's son. But, Joab had shamed the kingdom of David and David went to extreme lengths to show his love and loyalty for Abner and Saul's kingdom and his disdain for Joab. As a leader you have to sometimes stand up for what is right not simply stand up for your "party". If this would have been today's political climate talking heads would be telling us how Joab "had" to kill Abner. They would say it was his only choice. They would stand up for their party. But, in David's day it was about standing for what is right: Mercy and grace. If you are going to be a leader in your home, community or business you will someday have to choose to be loyal to people or to principle. Like David, choose principle.

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