Saturday, March 10, 2012

Would you allow your enemy to hug and kiss you? Matthew 26-28

To what extent would you go to show favor or "friendship" to someone who either already did betray you or you know was about to betray you? Would you sit by them? Would you talk to them? Would you be friendly to them? Would you allow them to "hug" you or "kiss" you? In Matthew 26:24-25 Jesus told His disciples someone would betray him. Judas, who had already gone to the Scribes and Pharisees to initiate his plot and make his bargin, speaks up and says, "Surely it is not I, Rabbi." Judas used his deceptive voice and his pretend pitch to disguise the bargin he had prearranged with those who wised to kill Jesus. Jesus responds with something to the affect that says, "If you say so." I don't know if our Lord used sarcasm but if there was ever a place to use it here is where it would have fit in spades. Despite this interaction Judas makes his plan and he tells those who are hiring him to betray Jesus that "whomever I kiss is the man." What would possess him to think he would be "allowed" to kiss Jesus, knowing full well that Jesus already knew he was the man who would? Judas was either incrediably bold or he banked on one truth we would all agree with: Jesus was a Man of Love because He was the God of Love. Judas knew that Jesus loved him, despite His flaws and his deceptive heart. Jesus allowed him to kiss him. He even called Judas "friend." He was more than gracious to His "enemy", Jesus was approachable and loving. Are we eve close to this type of behavior to our enemies? Many don't even let those they "think" may be out to get them get that close. Yet, Jesus, fully knowing who was going to betray him was willing to let the man kiss him and called him friend. In Romans 12 we are told to "Love our enemeis". Here is an example of what that looks like in real time and space.

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