Friday, March 9, 2012


Reading Isaiah 51-55 is like reading Romans 8. The two sections might as well be printed next to each other in the Cannon of Scripture. Romans 8:1 tells us there is "no more condemnation for them who are in Christ Jesus." I wonder if Paul was reading Isaiah 51-55 just prior to writing those words. I especailly noted Isaiah 51:22 and 54:7, 8, 10 & 17. God tells the prophet (and Paul completes the theme) that His anger will be removed by the messiah and it will "never" return to those He saves. God poured out His wrath but will no longer pour it out onto those who believe in Him once it is poured out on the Messiah (Isaiah 53). The Messiah will take the sins of the people and endure the wrath of God. From that point forward we have no more wrath and it will "never" be poured out upon us. God's salvation is designed to end the wrath. When we sin the punishement for that sin was already meted out. We no longer have to worry about it or think about it. Read Isaiah 54 and Romans 8! The wrath is DONE! Rejoice that we are free from the punishment of sin. We might have to endure the presence of it in our lives. We may have to endure the temporary victory of it over our lives. But, we no longer have to worry one bit about the punishment of it. That is the comfort talked about in Isaiah 51-55. Rejoice in that comfort.

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