Wednesday, January 11, 2012

God dumps blessings on us - Psalm 3-5

Wow! These three chapters of Psalms are so, so filled with great news for the person who puts their faith in Christ. God so wants to bless us. Look at just a few of the nuggets of His blessing: In 3:5 we read that "He 'sustains' us." The word "sustains" indicates that He supports us in our endeavors and our missions for Him. We have no need to trust in any aspect of ourselves ... the Lord sustains us! In 4:1 we read that "He 'relieves' us." The word here shows us that God "enlarges" our path, station, place or situation so that we can have movement and not be "pressed" by the difficulties of life. He gives us the "relief" we need to breath, to trust, to rejoice in Him no matter the difficulty. In 4:7 we read that "He puts 'gladness' in our hearts." If you ever feel "glad" or "happy" or just full of "joy" that is a gift from God!! He and He alone can make us feel so safe that we rejoice in Him, with Him and for Him. God gives us joy and makes our hearts full of gladness. In 5:11 we read that "He puts a 'shield' around us." The word here is a covering or protection ... think "teflon." God gives us the ability to go through the flames of life with a firemen's suit. He gives us the tough skin we need for hard falls. He gives us the perfect umbrella for the rain of life ... you get the point. In these three Psalms we see God's never ending gift of grace through Christ sprinkled on us every day. Rejoice in them, memorize them, read them muliple times today. God is good and He gives that goodness to us!!

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