Sunday, December 4, 2011

Why do we have so many Bible Books? 1 John 1-3

John has written "another" book for us to read.   We have so many books and so many authors saying what they think we should read and believe.   So, why does God, through John, give us another "book" to read?  John already wrote the gospel of John.   He will eventually write Revelation.   Why now, First, Second and Third John?   He actually outlines for us several reasons.  These reasons give us great encouragement to read 1 John multiple times.   Look at them again:   1).  In 1:3 he tells us he wrote the book to ensure we had complete fellowship with other believers and with God through Christ.   That is reason enough.   2).  In 1:4 he states he was writing to make sure our joy wasn't a half cup but a full cup.   3.) In 2:1 he tells us he was writing so that we can avoid sin!  Fantastic!   4). In 2:12-14 he actually list three reasons to three groups (the children, the young and the old).  He recognizes the growth that takes place in our Christianity.  When we are younger we only know our sins are forgiven.  In youth we fight the evil that attacks.  In old age we come "know" God.   John's book supplies the words for each of the generational Christians.   5).  In 2:21 he states he is writing so we can know the truth!    Satan so wants to deceive us.   God's word is to give us truth.   6).  In 2:26 he says he writes to make sure we are not deceived by the false teachers today.   If we went on, in 5:13 he tells us that he is writing so we may "know we have eternal life."    John writes for a specific purpose.  Every time we read this book we ought to experience one of these great benefits.   Read it and draw fruit from it.

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