Thursday, December 1, 2011

Give good works - they will give back - Ecclesiastes 11-12

Ecclesiastes 11:1 - "Cast your bread upon the surface of the waters, for you will find it after many days."

It is easy for us to get discouraged when we do good things for people day after day and don't see any results. We tend to think we will see immediate results and immediate rewards for our "work." This verse tells us that we should not be discouraged in our good works. They will find their way back to us in some fashion. But, we are to cast our "bread" - the very essential things of life. We are not to cast "words" but "bread." It also says we are not to be discriminate in regard to who we give that bread. We are to give it to the "water." "Water" in Scripture is a picture of the multitudes. We are to provide the good works to those we come across and then trust that God will bring them back to us. He goes on to say in verse two that we are to not worry about having enough for us. If we give our bread to seven and then an eighth comes along we are to provide to them as well. In verse six he adds to sow in the morning and wait until the evening. You don't know when but it will happen ... we will reap. Don't worry about who you give, how much you give or where you give. Just give ... it will come back.

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