Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Do people still "repent" today? Nehemiah 5-9

Nehemiah had to physically rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. But, he also had to spiritually rebuild the lives of the people. The rebuilding the city walls would show the world around them that God was with them (6:15-16). But, rebuilding the people's hearts would show the world around them that God was within them. There had to be reforms. God was to be honored not with clay and mortor but with heart and soul. Where did Nehemiah turn to start the reforms? He turned to God's Word. They actually, publically, read God's Word. What was the result of God's Word being honored and read? God began a revival in their hearts. God began to work in the hearts of the people and the actually REPENTED! Who does that anymore? Who still hears the reading and explanation of God's Word and repents? In today's modern society we have lost the belief that God's Word is the thing God uses by His Spirit to convert the heart. In Psalm 19:7 we read, "The Law of the Lord is perfect, 'restoring' (converting) the soul." Nehemaiah recognized this and believed it. He read God's Word and the people repented. When God's Word is delivered with faith it will come back with souls it does. We tend to want to change people with human reasoning and with titillation. We need to realize that God ordained His Word and the preaching of His Word as His method to convert the soul. The reason we don't have people openningly repenting today is that we don't have the Word delivered today. We don't have the Word delivered with authority and faith that it, and it alone, will convert the soul. If you want to rebuild the walls, use the proper bricks. If you want to rebuild the soul use the proper Words!!

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