Monday, November 21, 2011

What does "holiness" really look like? Deuteronomy 16-19

These four chapters are parts of the "law" that give us a deeper understanding of God's character and our responsibility to it. In the beginning God established a "covenant of works" with Adam and Eve. If they "performed" they would be "blessed". If they did not "perform" they would be dead. Obviously they did not perform and death passed upon them and all men (Romans 5). In this portion of the "law" we see more of the requirements to "perform" and to "keep the whole law." After they failed to "perform" God than gave Adam and Even the "covenant of promise" by saying He would send someone to save them from this covenant of "works." Christ came and kept all the aspects of the "law" (He performed). He fulfilled the very words we read in this section about being blameless and about keeping holy. By keeping the covenant of works Christ fulfilled the law for us. He "performed" and did what we could not do. So, when we read this passage we see that holiness is living a blameless life. It is keeping the complete law of God. If you and I leave our house we are to keep the law as we drive. There are thousands of laws on the books we are supposed to keep. We don't keep them however. But, Christ kept all the law. So, He was able to satisfy the covenant of works and provide for us the covenant of promise.

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