Saturday, November 19, 2011

Do you have the time or the stomach for a John Mark, or a Timothy? Acts 15-16

At the end of Acts 15 and the beginning of Acts 16 we have the most unusual story for the growth of the church. If you were trying to write a marketing strategy you would not incorporate this story. Young and very ambitious Paul was ready to go on a new missionary journey. Barnabas was ready to go along. However, Barnabas wanted to take a younger John Mark, who previously had deserted the two on the first missionary journey. Paul did not want to take him, thinking John Mark was a weak addition to the "team." As a result of their "disagreement" Paul takes off on his own, apparently as the "chosen" team by the church. Barnabas stays with John Mark and makes him his project. Paul walks to a few other cities over the next weeks and months and finds himself in Troas. Apparently during his journey Paul realized that there was something in the truth of Barnabas' arguments. He realized that he, too, needed a John Mark in his life. He was willing to take time to find a young man, named Timothy, to mentor. Paul didn't think he had the energy or time to mentor. But, that is God's way. In fact, he would later tell Timothy to do the same thing (2 Timothy 2:2). Paul learned a lesson, though he lost a team member. Paul had to take time to "walk it out" until he reached a place to "work it out." Do you have time to put up with a John Mark or a young Timothy? Do you have the time not to?

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Correlation Is Not Causation - Job 18-19

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