Monday, October 17, 2011

Why the war in my life? - Deuteronomy 1-3

We all have struggles in our lives. We may sit back and wonder why the wars? Why doesn't God, after saving us, lead us into paths of safety and enjoyment? Why the struggle? In this section of Deuteronomy the new nation of Israel has come to age. Their fathers and mothers have died in the wilderness and they are now ready to enter into the promise land. But, they are inexperienced. They have no understanding of the wars and victories of the past. So, God immediately gives them a few wars to learn how to fight and trust God. There is nothing like a struggle to focus on God's love and God's faithfulness. God allows and brings the struggle to them. In 2:30 we read that God even hardened the heart of a king to make them resistant to Israel and want to fight them. They would not need faith without a good fight. None of us do. There is nothing like a good fight to find out what and who God is to us. We don't search for Him in the midst of blessing. We only look for Him in the midst of our pain. God allows pain and even brings pain so that we will trust in Him. Don't ever think the wars in your life are there for no purpose. They are there to drive us to our knees.

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