Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Hold on to grandpa's hand tight - Psalm 117-118

They other day I took three of my twelve grandchildren to the park to play. They are all under five so it was a real adventure for my wife and me. Since my son has one more at home I wondered how two people could watch three kids (I forgot how hard that is) much less a fourth. But, I was able to keep it under control but insisting that the little ones "hold onto grandpa's hand tight" whenever there was "danger" imposed or imagined. It was easy to convince them to "hold grandpa's hand tight" when the "alligators" (only we could see) were trying to get us. Or, "hold grandpa's hand tight" when the "lions" were chasing us. When we would spot a bear they would grab my hand as tightly as they could to make sure I was there and they were safe. In Psalm 118:27 we read a interesting phrase written by the writer: "The LORD is good and He has given us light, bind the festival sacrifice with cords to the horns of the alter." This verse stands out in the section that is filled with praise and thanks giving for and to God, HIs lovingkindess and faithfulness. At the end of the chapter the writer tells them something about the sacrifice - which is a picture of our sacrifice of ourselves to God. The alter had four horns on it and the writer is telling them to "bind the bull" to the alter. The bull was to be killed on the alter. We sometimes forget that the bull was a bull. A young bull at that. It was laid upon the alter and sacrificed to God. There is no doubt that the young bull may have objected to what was about to be its certain death. The writer is telling us to "bind" the bull so that it can't run and won't run. This is a picture of us and of our need to be secured to the alter of God. Romans 12:1 tells us that we are to present our bodies as "living" sacrifices to God. We are to "hold onto His hand" tightly and not let go. Yet, we do try to let go. Just as my older grandson was less incline to see the "lions" and hold my hand at the park, we think we can "let go" of God. The Psalmist is telling us to "hold on" tightly to Him. Even "bind ourselves" to Him. He has bound us to Him with a the cords of love. We have bound ourselves to Him with the cords of faith and the vows of surrender. We all have a tendency to want to run and play. But, in the face of the alligators and lions of life we are better if we hold on tight to His hand and bind oursevels with cords to at the alter of sacrifice.

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