Monday, October 24, 2011

The Fear of the Lord - The Word from God - Deut. 4-6

You can't help but read this section and observe the correlation between "fearing God" and "the Word of God."   There is much confusion about what it means to "fear" God.   It seems almost contradictory to "fear" a "loving" God.   Yet, multiple times in these three chapters alone (let alone the entire Bible) we are told that "fearing" God is a good thing.   At the end of chapter five of this section Moses reminds this younger generation that when their fathers first heard God's "voice" at the mountain they collectively asked Moses to be the "go between."  They thought it a terrible and awful thing to "hear the voice of God."  And, what was God's response to this fear of theirs?  In 5:28 God says, "they have done well in all that they have spoken."   God was in favor of their fear of His voice.   Moses had just told them in this section of how great it was that God had not only called them but what a privilege it was that they, and they alone, where given God's statues and judgments (4:8).   Our fearing God has a lot to do with our relationship with God's Word.   If we see God's Word as a "to do list" that constrains us from doing what we want, we will never Fear the Lord.  But, if we see God's Word as the avenue or door to God's mind and God's glory, than and only than will be fear the Lord and be the people God meant for us to be and chose us to be.   Read His Word and realize that the Word is the first step to walking with Him.

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