Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sharpen and chisel your friends - Proverbs 26-27

As iron sharpens iron, So one man sharpens, another. (27:17) A proverb is a way to teach wisdom in a simple way with a word picture, or with contrasting or complimentary statements. This proverb gives us insight on how our relationships with others are used to perfect us. The first line gives us a practical illustration of the truth of the second line. If you have ever seen a chef sharpen two knives you can get this illustration. The two bladed instruments are scraped together in a vigorous manner and both will never be the same as a result. The sounds of metal on metal may sound harsh, but the results are practical. Both are now ready for the job they were intended to perform. So too it is with us and our friends. God uses them to sharpen us and us to sharpen them. The contact is noisy at times. It may seem harsh, but the result (if we allow it to happen) is that we are better equipped for what God needs us to do for Him. The next time you are in conflict with someone ask yourself this question: Is God using this person to “sharpen” me so He can use me more fully? Iron sharpens iron!

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