Sunday, September 4, 2011

Refuse foolish & ignorant speculations - 2 Timothy 1-2

2 Timothy 2:23: "But refuse foolish and ignorant speculations, know that they produce quarrels." There may be no principle of scripture so true and dramatized each day as 2:23 of 2 Timothy. If you go to any news program and observe for a minute the "talking heads" you will see this principle displayed in techno-color. If you watch news about sports, weather, entertainment or politics and you will observe foolish and ignorant speculations that lead to quarrels. It is almost impossible to miss such a display. However, the same should not be said of Christianity and the local church. Paul is telling Timothy to avoid this type of behavior. "Refuse" it he says. Instead he has just told Timothy that he should pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace. These are the things that should pursue out of the believers mouth and heart. We are to avoid foolishness and fools talk. However, what we often find in the foyers of the church is the foolish talk and the pursuit of these noble thoughts are often buried with the shovel of gossip, opinion and personal agendas that lead to quarrels and discontent. We are to refuse that type of discussion. The easiest way to refuse is to simply excuse yourself from the discussion and walk away. It takes multiple sticks to keep a fire going. If you remove yours the fire of gossip can't burn as high.

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