Saturday, September 3, 2011

God Originated "Voice Recognition" Software- John 10-12

In John 10:1-7 we have the original design work stated for "voice recognition" software. In this section Jesus tells His disciples that those that are "His sheep" will hear and recognize "His voice." Those who are not "His sheep" will not "hear and recognize" His voice. It is that simple. It is almost funny that latter in this same chapter the Pharisees (who were not "His sheep") asked Him, "How long will you keep us in suspense? If You are the Christ, tell us plainly." He of course, JUST DID! They just didn't recognize His voice. What a calming thought ... Christ recognizes my voice when I cry out to Him. He knows ME! Today, before writing this devotional, I went to a family reunion. A little boy bump into me and grabbed by pant leg, as if I were his father. But, something was immediately wrong. He recognized that I was NOT his dad. He could tell. He had a sixth sense to look up quickly and get away from me. The same is true about believers and God. We recognize our Dad! We know His voice when He talks to us. When we hear God's Word we know it is His. When we talk to Him, He knows our voice. Today's voice recognition software has nothing on God. I love to hear His voice in the morning. I long for it throughout the day. I love that He knows my voice when I cry out to Him. What a blessed thought.

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