Monday, September 12, 2011

Leadership held to a high standard - Numbers 18-20

In 18:1 of this section we read that Aaron and his family will be held responsible for the priesthood and everything "tabernacle." The rest of this section (up to the end of chapter 20) is a detailed "job description" of what those responsibilities would be. If you have ever had to write a detailed job description you can relate to what is on these pages. If you have ever read a detailed job description before you probably had the same feelings reading this section. However, this is Holy Writ. This is what God was going to hold Aaron and his extended family, for centuries, accountable to. So, as we read it is not any surprise that God is a God of detail. Each word He speaks is to be heard and obeyed. So, in chapter 20 when God tells Moses and Aaron to "speak" to the rock that it might bring forth water for the "once-agian" discontented Israelites, it is no surprise that when Moses strikes the rock something bad is about to happen. Moses AND Aaron, as a result of that "minor" disobedience are prevented from going into the promise land. After 40 years of wandering Moses is dis-qualified for promise! That is hard to take. It was, after all, the nation who complained constantly for melons, water, meat and soft sleeping accommodations. Moses, in faith, had lead and had, on a number of occasions, stood in the gap between their disobedience and God's wrath. But, this missing-the-details-of-God's-Word will cost him and Aaron's inheritance. We can't help but see how God expects leadership to follow Him. Moses (and Aaron) also had the privilege of seeing the Glory of God (20:6,7). With whom much is given, much is required (Luke 12:48). Remember, if you lead you are also expected to follow - and, if you follow without watching for the detail how will others follow you?

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1 Corinthians 3:3-4 (ESV) for you are still of the flesh. For while there is jealousy and strife among you, are you not of the flesh and be...