Sunday, August 21, 2011

Peace at work comes from Prayer at work - 1 Timothy 1-3

The book of 1 Timothy was written to a young pastor to show him how to pastor and lead his church. Young Pastor Timothy was in a tough gig. Ephesus was a very lustful and sensual town. The goddess Diana was worshiped in Ephesus (Acts 19:23-41). There is so much teaching in this book that settling on a single devotional is like going to the Grand Canyon and taking onne picture. However, in 2:1,2 Paul instructs us that prayer is to be made for all in authority. And "if" we make prayer for those in authority it says we will live in peace and tanquility with dignity and godliness. If I read this right, there is a direct corelation between my prayers for others in authority over me and the ease of my life. Paul makes no distinction between praying for those who are in authority who are believers or unbelievers. God wants us to pray for those "He" puts in authority over us. We are not to hold a grudge toward those above us. We are not to be bitter or resentful to those in authority over us. We are not to work in a passive-aggresive manner toward those over us because we don't like them or don't agree with them. We are to pray for them. We are to hold them up in earnest prayer. We are to pray for their welfare, their vision, their leadership and their willingness to follow God. God will direct them as He did the three leaders in Daniel's life. Daniel prayed for those leaders and advised them. We ought to do nothing else.

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