Saturday, August 13, 2011

Can you go beyond your comfort zone? John 3-4

When Jesus met the "women at the well" He stepped out of the norm of the day. He was willing to go beyond what everyone else did and set a new course of action. Samaritan people were not looked at favorably by the Jewish or Gentile world. A "kind of half-breed" group they were despised, ignored, or rejected. So, when Jesus starts talking to one at the well, He did something most would not. He also "crossed over" by talking to a "women." Unlike today where the average man would go out of he way to talk to a women in Jesus day Jewish men didn't just talked to women. The middle east still has some of that stereotype difficulty today. To make matters worse, this "women at the well" was at best a social deviant, but at worst a harlot-type, having five husbands in the past and currently in a "live in" relationships ... something you didn't do in those days that is almost normal today. When the disciples arrived back from a shopping trip they were struck that He was speaking to the women. It is noticeable that when they arrive, she leaves. I imagine they were uncomfortable with her and she with them. When she leaves, however, she leaves her pot. Perhaps this indicates her rush to tell others about Jesus, or, better, her rush to leave in the presence of 12 Jewish men who thought it "wrong" to talk to "loose Samaritan women." If you and I, however, are ever going to reach others for Christ we are going to have to get out of our "comfort zone" and touch people at the well of their lives. They have questions, concerns, baggage and needs (all of which are visible in this women's story). We have the answer, the "living water" at our disposal. Can we ever get out of our comfort zone and our worry about what others think of us to touch their lives with truth? Or, are we just too comfortable with our stereotypes and prejudices?

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