Thursday, August 11, 2011

Can you allow God the freedom to do what He wants? Proverbs 16

You can't help but read Proverbs 16 and see that God is in charge:

16:1 - "The plans of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord." (You may think it and plan it but what actually happens comes from God.)

16:3 - "Commit you works to the Lord and you plans will be established." (God is so in charge of plans and the completion of them only those that are truly in His will can be established or perfected.)

16:4 - "The Lord has made everything for its own purpose, even the wicked for the day of evil." (God is so in control even the evilness of man is used for His plans and His glory.)

You can fight and resist the sovereignty of God but you do so at your own peril. Read further 16:9, 16:11, and especially 16:33 (even the roll of the dice is in His control). How do people disregard God's sovereign control? If you take one small event and give that to chance or to your own control than God can't be sovereign. You can be 99% sovereign. When we take some of God's control away from Him we don't glorify Him. When we worry about something that has happened or might happen we don't glorify Him. Either He is in control or He is not. Stop worrying about something God already has in His control. If it is a something good, and God wants you to experience it, it will happen as we walk in obedience to Him and it will bring Him glory. If it is something bad God must want it in your life for something that will bring Him glory. God is control. Rejoice in it. Praise Him for it. Be safe in it. Quit trying to ignore it or change it.

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