Thursday, July 28, 2011

Being poor has some advantages - Proverbs 13

Proverbs has much to say about money, wealth and riches. In fact, before Dave Ramsey was Solomon son of David. (And, I would prefer the later over the former). In chapter 13 we have several good principles stated through Solomon about wealth. The chapter ends with a reference that the righteous will be satisfied while the wicked will always feel a sense of need and want in their stomach. Righteous people have a sense of contentment about where they are in regard to wealth and riches. If you sense a deep discontent when it comes to wealth it might be you are more bankrupt spiritually than financially. Righteous poor people are first and foremost content. But, earlier in this chapter Solomon adds that the rich are often oppressed and attacked because they are rich while the poor are often ignored and left alone. In 13:8 we read, "The ransom of a man's life is his wealth, but the poor hears no rebuke." The meaning here is that the poor are often ignored and left alone because they are poor while the wealthy are often taken captive (in one form or another) for their wealth. Solomon is saying that being poor allows you to go about your life with little worries, not so much as a rebuke (although our modern world would cringe at that statement). Contentment with what little you have is a pleasure few experience in a world of grab and get as much as you can. In 10:22 Solomon said: "It is at the blessing of the Lord that makes rich, and He adds no sorrow to it." The implication here is that riches that come to man in a way that God doesn't bring them will also bring sorrow; but riches brought by God don't add the complications to the life. Our next section after Proverbs to read will be the book of Ecclesiastes. Solomon has much to say about wealth in that book. In Proverbs 22 we read we are not to set our eyes on wealth. The poor has many advantages over the rich if they will but see it. If, however, they have their eyes on the rich man's "stuff" they will never see the benefits of what they have. In 13:7 we read, "There is one who pretends to be rich, but has nothing; Another pretends to be poor, but has great wealth. The poor man has much to be rich about. If they will just see what God has provided Him. Don't strive to be rich. Strive to be content with the riches you have.

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