Sunday, June 26, 2011

You have a piece of lettuce on your face - Ephesians 4-6

I was sitting down to eat with a believer friend of mine and at some point in our eating and conversing a piece of his salad landed in the lower quadrant of his face. He can't see it - I can! What do I do? I don't' want to embarrass him but then again I don't want him to be embarrassed if someone else sees it. It is important that we realize as believers we have some interest in the way other believers look and act. In this section of reading there is so much to pick from to write about it is hard to narrow it down. However, I am struck by the words of in 4:25 that tells believers they should speak the truth with their "believer" neighbors (the context is obviously talking about Christian neighbors not geographical neighbors). We are to tell others the truth about what we see. If they have sin hanging off their sleeves we have a Biblical responsibility to tell them ... while at the same time making sure our own sleeves are clean of spiritual dirt. God tells us through Paul in Galatians 6 that we are to bear the weaknesses of our friends and to help them overcome sin. So, speaking the truth becomes the manner of which I am to correct my friends in Christ. Paul had just told them in 4:15 to speak truth in love. Now he tells them to speak truth because they are members with each other. If I realize that the stuff hanging off my friend reflects on me I would be quick to show him, in love, his need to wipe his mouth. Since a piece of lettuce hanging off his chin doesn't affect me I am tempted to let it ride. But, sin I can let ride since we are "members" one of another. Let's make sure we are ready to correct, in a spirit of Love, those who are brothers with us. Don't let sin hang on their chins because we are embarrassed to tell them to correct it. We just need to show them love and maybe hand the a spiritual napkin that they can use to clean themselves up.

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