Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A Place to Hide - Psalm 57-59

Where do you hide when you are in a bad mood or having a bad day? I like to go to bed and pull the covers over my head. A student of mine said she likes to sit in front of her computer and watch a Netflix movie. Some people like to chop wood, or go for a walk, or jump off a tall building ... in their minds. David, in composing these Psalms, give us his perspective. But, remember, when he wrote these Psalms he was on the run from Saul or his son, Absolum ... more than likely Saul. While he was running he hid in the temple, a man's house, with an enemy king and in many, many caves. But, somewhere in that running and hiding he states he found refuge in the Wings of God (57:1). In 59:16 he says he found refuge in God's strength and lovingkindness. God is in control and David knew that. As a result he was willing to find true rest and peace, despite his problems, in the arms of God. Where is your hiding place? Is it in high octane activity or low fueled isolation? Find it in the arms of God ... rest in that place.

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