Friday, May 13, 2011

Change of scenery doesn't change the message - Jeremiah 32-37

Jerusalem was surrounded and being besieged (shut-up) by the Babylonians. Inside Jerusalem, Jeremiah was "shut-up" in a prison because he prophesied to everyone not to resist the Babylonians and give up. What would you do if someone marginalized you because of your message? What would you do because someone thought your testimony was out of tune with the main stream norms of the culture you were in? What would you do if someone thought you ought to keep your mouth shut in meetings and in the break room at work because they didn't like your comments and thought they were to "religious" or off base for the conversation? Jeremiah did what we all need to do when it comes to speaking for God - his change of venue didn't change the vocalization of message. God had sent Jeremiah to speak for Him, so it didn't matter where they put him, where they locked him up or how they treated him. When you have a message from God your bones burn inside you if you don't say it. Jeremiah wasn't concerned about creature comforts - he was concerned about creature responsibility. God sent him to do a job not seek personal space and ease. We seem to think that our responsibility for personal space and comfort are more important than delivering the message God gave us to deliver. People quit attending church because they are uncomfortable. They can't teach in Sunday School because they are uncomfortable. Let's be more like Jeremiah - less worried about venue and more worried about voice.

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