Saturday, April 23, 2011

It is all summed up - March 11-12

Brevity is a sign of a great speaker. The ability to say complex things of gravity and of meaning in a short and concise message is an art. That is what makes the Proverbs, as an example, so powerful. Short pithy saying of real meaning. Some people simply go on and on and think they will be heard for their much speaking. I can be that way. Pithy is not in my wheel house. Take these devotionals, for instance, they are longer than needed because of my lack of skill. Christ was not like this, however, in his earthly meeting. When asked which of the 400 plus commandments was the greatest He didn't give us His top ten list. Nor did He try to outline them by systematic section. I have a set of Systematic Theology books on my shelf that consists of seven volumes. Mankind is not short with our answers. But, the Creator of language is. He sums up the entire first five books of the Old Testament in two phrases: Love God with all your heart, soul and mind and love your neighbor as yourself. Short, concise, to the point and complete. The irony is that men have written commentary after commentary on Christ's summary statement. Go figure. It all boils down to whether we are loving God completely and loving man sincerely. I am not going to say any more about it. That pretty much sums it all up. Go and do likewise.

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