Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Even when we run God is in control - 1 Samuel 21-25

In these chapters we have the account of David's running from King Saul (and, spiritually running from God's will). This is a very poor time in David's life. This is not an account of the best times in David's life. This is a real time of faith-less-ness for David. He begins in chapter 21 by lying to the priest (which eventually costs the priest and his household their lives). At the end of chapter 21 he is forced to act like a crazy man to avoid being killed by the Philistines. This is not a resume moment for David. These are the months and years you leave off your history when you tell your life story to friends. Yet, in the midst of this dark time for David we see God's marvelous care for him. We see God protecting him from the Philistines. We see God protecting him when Saul had him surrounded (23:24-29). We see God giving David a chance to practice grace and not kill Saul (24). In the midst of David's running and hiding and debasing himself, God is still in control. God is still working in his life and preparing him to be the leader He wants David to be. We tend to think when we are outside God's will God is simply sitting on His hands waiting for us to repent. Yet, in these passages we see that God is very much active in our lives during these dark days. God can move and act in our dark as well as He can when we are standing in His light. Never think that God is not controlling your life, even when you are running from Him. In fact, He may be more in control when we are running than we ever thought He was when we were standing in His will.

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