Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Circumstances do not constitute God's blessing - 1 Samuel 26-31

David is back! These last chapters of 1 Samuel unfold David's return to faith and his establishment as a great leader. The leadership principles alone in these chapters are inspirational. David begins to lead his band of man in ways that honor God and promote Godly character. Perhaps the turning point for Daivd comes in chapter 26 where David is given yet another opportunity to kill Saul. David and one of his men, Abishai, sneak into Saul's camp to find him alseep. His spear is stuck in the ground next to his head - how inviting is that? Can you see the scene? All of Saul's men are fast asleep - we even read later that God had caused the sleep (26:12). Certaining the circumstance are provided by God. This must be God making it all work out for David to kill Saul and take over the kingdom. Yet, David doesn't see it that way. He does not take the circumstances as a sign of God's approval for murder. He realizes there is a God principle at stake: You don't hurt or hinder God's annointed leader. David knew it was God who put one leader up and takes another leader down (Psalm 75:7). David could have killed Saul and the story would be presented by preachers for ages to come as God providing an opportunity for David to take the kingdom back for God. Great messages would and could be preached on such an outcome. But, this is why these are great chapters in David's life. David doesn't use the circumstances to justify his actions. David remembers the principle of God's appointed leadership and is controlled by it. He does let Saul know of his actions. That "Y" in the road changes things for David throughout the rest of this book. You and I are confronted with odd circumstances every day. We tend to use them as an indicator of what God "must be doing" or "allowing." Yet, this story tells us that despite circumstances God's Word and the principles of God's Word always trump the situation and circumstances of life. Opportunity doesn't trump God's Word - God's Word trumps any circumstance that is presented by life. Don't be lead astray by the "this must be from God" argument. God directs by His Word and not by life's chances. David knew God would give him the kingdom in God's timing. In chapter 31 we see that done. David didn't take advantage of the circumstances but rather allowed God's Word to be his guide.

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