Wednesday, March 30, 2011

How do you view sin? Psalm 36-38

When reading these three Psalms you can't help but notice the difference between the wicked and the righteous. These Psalms show that their destiny is, of course, different. They show that their treatment of others is different. Each Psalm speaks of how different the view of God is. However, the most striking difference may be the difference between the righteous and the wicked in regard to their attitude toward sin in their lives. Read 36:1-4 and you read that the wicked ignore sin; they suppress sin; they forget sin; and they cover it with their plans and the false paths they take. They simply don't view sin in a way that would allow them to be affected spiritually by it. The righteous, however, are really disturbed by sin in their lives. In 38:1-7 we read that the righteous person is weighted down by his sin; it feels like arrows in his heart; his flesh and bones ache as a result of his sin; he feels as though he is drowning in his sin. His sin completely affects the functions of his body and the stance of his body. How are you affected when you sin? It isn't about if you sin, for the believer. It is how are you affected by it! Our sin is a fact, our response to sin is the telling truth of our walk with a holy God. Those who don't view God as holy seldom worry about their sin. Those who see God as holy and want to please Him will view their sin the same way He does: It will make them physically sick. Are you sick of sin?

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