Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Character matters - Ruth

The story of Ruth is a story of character. It is a lilly pad in the middle of a swamp. The story of Ruth takes place during the times of Judges ... when everyone was doing what they wanted and what was right in their own eyes. This story shows that you can stand tall in a slouching world .... Boaz is the picture of character when his fellow nation was a picture of selfishness. Ruth is a picture of character when the world around her was craving anything to quench its thirst. Ruth is seen in this story to be the picture of grace and mercy to her mother-in-law, Naomi. Boaz is the picture of a redeemer - a type of Christ. Boaz is drawn to Ruth because of her character (Ruth 2). He is willing to redeem her based upon his character (chapter 4). The next of kin to Naomi wouldn't redeem Ruth because it would "mess up his inheritance." This was the times they lived in. But, Boaz was above his times. He was willing to practice the law by allowing Ruth to glean in his fields (Ruth 2) and he was willing to take on the responsibility of continuing on the seed of another (Ruth 4). Character matters in this story. The story shows us the generational line of David but much, much more. It shows us that despite the sin of the world around you it is possible to live a godly life. Boaz and Ruth give us an example that we don't have to wallow with the world and can stand tall in a slouching world.

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