Saturday, March 5, 2011

Alert and Prepared - Matthew 23-25

Two words that seem to summarize this section of reading would "Be Prepared" and "Be Alert." Jesus' words in this section repeatedly warn the listeners (disciples and crowd and religious leaders) to be on "alert" for Christ return (24:42 and 25:13). He also warned them to be prepared for when Christ comes (Chapter 25). We don't always agree on what is the next event on God's calendar. Theologians have different views of how to determine the next event and therefore what the next event will be. However, one thing is certainly clear; while we wait for the next event God wants us to work and be ready and be on the edge of our sits in preparation. For those who simply think our job is to be enjoying our life and soaking in the sun, these chapters should come as quite a shock. We are to be working and planning and anticipating while we wait. Christ wants His children to be invested in doing His work, not simply enjoying their life. The religious leaders of the day simply tried to be the "leaders" of the day. Christ warns them that they should be diligent servants, not hypocritical tyrants. We are to be serving as we wait and work in anticipation for His return. We are not on vacation, we are on a work study assignment.

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