Friday, October 4, 2024

Jonah - Why the Book was Written


(Means: Dove, Pigeon) - He was a true prophet - 2 Kgs 14:25

Historical Setting

During Jeroboam II  king of Israel - 2 Kgs 14:25

During Amaziah - King of Judah 

Prophecy Against

Jonah prophesied against the capital city of the Assyrians: Nineveh

Time Period

798-795 B.C. - Before the Fall of Nineveh in 612 B.C.


Historical Theme - What did it mean then?

1. The Assyrians were a very, very wicked people and Nineveh was a reckless and licentious town (think Las Vegas, Amsterdam and L.A. all on steroids).    

2. God was going to use the evilness of the Assyrians to punish His people Israel (northern tribes) but wanted to give them a chance to repent.  (See Job 1:13-18)

Outline of the Book

1. Jonah fleas from his mission (Ch. 1-2)

A. Running away (Prophet on a boat, 1)

B. Repenting back (Prophet in a fish, 2)

2. Jonah completes his mission (Ch. 3-4)

A. The Power of the Preached Word and the beauty of repentance in a city (3)

B. The Sadness of Judgmental prophet and the beauty of a patient God (4) 

Future Theme - What's it mean in future?

1. Jonah was a type of Christ - Jesus compared Himself to him (validating Jonah) - Matt 12:39

2. God gives everyone a chance to repent through some means of grace (Romans 2:4)

Reasons to read it:

1.  If you are tempted to be judgmental of peoples as though God can't or shouldn't save them. 

2.  If you are ever tempted to run from God

3.  If you are ever asked to do something you don't want to do but have to do anyhow. 

4. If you ever disobey God and need a 2nd chance 

Practical Theme - What does it mean for me today?

1. God may ask us to do something in faith that the eyes of flesh fail to see. (Jonah 1:1-2) However, in His grand plan it makes perfect sense.

2. Running from God is useless (yet we do it remarkably often). (Jonah 1:3-9)

3. When we run from God we put others at great risk and we may cost them their livelihood (1:10-16) 

4. Sometimes God’s deliverance (a big fish) can appear as discipline, and maybe, depending on our reaction is.   But, God uses strange ways to deliver us even when we look at the deliverance as a bad thing (Think Joseph being delivered from the pit only to be sold to the slave traders) (1:17)

5. Repentance in the belly of a fish (or in the stall of pigs ... Luke 15:11-15) can still sound like a wonderful worship song (2:1-10)

God is the "God of the Second Chance" (3:1).  We all need a 2nd chance ... and, a 3rd ... and, a 4th ... etc. 

6. Just because your heart is not into something, obedience out of faith in the form of excellence is still demanded by God! (3:2-4)

7.  True revival begins with repentance toward sin and involves every social class (3:5-10)

When God sees repentance He is moved (3:10)

8.  Thankfully God's character doesn't change based upon our attitude.  God is gracious no matter if we are not (4)

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