Thursday, October 3, 2024

Bad Leaders Hurt Good Followers - Proverbs 28

Proverbs 28:15-16 (ESV)

Like a roaring lion or a charging bear

is a wicked ruler over a poor people.

A ruler who lacks understanding is a cruel oppressor,

but he who hates unjust gain will prolong his days.

There is nothing worse than working for a person who is a bad leader.   There is nothing more oppressive than to live in a country with bad leaders.  We have to wonder, at times, how some people were elevated to leadership positions.   In the above proverbs, one of the greatest leaders of all time (Solomon) gave us this great word picture of what it is like to be lead by a fool.   I have seen bears from afar but not up close.  I am good with seeing them from a long distance.   I certainly have seen lions in zoos, but not in the wild.  The word picture of a roaring lion or charging bear communicates so, so well what it is like to live under a ruler who has no concern for the poor.  Paul tells us in Roman 13 that government (leadership) should be a terror to evil, not to good.  But our leaders today seem to have a bent on being oppressive to the poor (the real poor).  They do things for the poor, but so that it will line their pockets with possession and power.   But the ruler who hates unjust gain is the one who will be a long lasting ruler.   The character of a great leader is how they use their power and possession for justice and not for personal gain.  There are certainly some great government leaders out there.  But, by far, most seem to enrich themselves before and/or more than they enrich those they lead.   We have seen some very common and lowly and good people go into government leadership.  They seem to come out with riches, power and fame.  For the most part, their constituents are not as equally blessed. This is what Solomon is warning us about.  Leaders who better themselves on the backs of those they lead will be brought low, eventually.  Those who practice justice will be elevated.   

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