Sunday, December 22, 2024

Say It Face-To-Face - 3 John

3 John 1:14 (ESV)

I hope to see you soon, and we will talk face to face.

We might ask if John was familiar with Zoom and/or other video conferencing limitations. Somethings can’t be done in letter, email, text, or carrier pigeon.  Some things need to be discussed face-to-face.   The translation actually, figuratively, states, mouth-to-mouth.  John is writing this little letter to an elder in a church named Gaius.  We know letter about him, however.  We do read that he is a faithful representation of Christ.  He is honoring those who honor Christ.   We can say of him what was said of the unmovable man: 

Psalms 15:4a (ESV)

in whose eyes a vile person is despised,

but who honors those who fear the LORD;

John has also, in this brief letter, addressed two other men. One is Diotrephes.  He was a selfish and rebellious man in the church, where Gaius was the elder.   Even though this letter is brief, it does not lack content, power and authority.  John is not happy with Dieotrephes.  So, coming to see Gaius and talking to him face-to-face, might also be a time to do the same with this rebellious member of his church. 

The other person mentioned by name in John’s letter is Demetrius.    He is the opposite of Dieotrephes.  He is a great example to the church.  Perhaps John wants to meet this person and reward him publicly for his Christ-like behavior.  

Whatever the reason for John’s desire, he knows that somethings can’t be said unless you are with the person you want to talk with.   Today’s emails are often abused by those who avoid a face-to-face meeting.  Today, keyboard warriors tarnish the internet with their hatred.  They would seldom, if ever, confront a person face-to-face about an issue they are having.   John is like any other human being who sees the need to confront one and to comfort the other, in a personal manner.   He wants to visit with them to handle the situations surrounding them.  We have no idea if this meeting ever took place.  But John tells us his plans and that is enough to know his heart.   Some things need to be said face-to-face.  Perhaps, even this communication!

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