Thursday, June 27, 2024

Under the Cover of Darkness - Proverbs 7

Proverbs 7:8-9 (ESV Strong's)

passing along the street near her corner,

taking the road to her house

In the twilight, in the evening,

In the middle of the night and in the darkness.

Have you ever wondered why folly loves the dark?   You can see in this verse where folly loves to roam.  In the darkness seems to be her favorite place to be.   The Apostle John said the same thing in the following:

John 3:19

This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil.

Men love darkness.  Evil men love darkness.   Friday night and Saturday night seems to carry their own evil.   Folly is out when the light is gone.   Folly can fool you when you can't see the light.   Men love to go out in the dark to do darkness because they believe they will not be seen.  They love darkness because their conscious is seared.   Light can't break through when men are doing their deeds in the dark.   The gospel is the light.  Jesus is the light of the world.   Wisdom loves light because it is the light.   It is the Light of the World.    There is a true contrast in Proverbs between light and darkness.   Wisdom vs. Folly is Light vs. Dark.   Beware of the darkness.  In the above proverb(s) we see what happens to the young simple man when he is lead astray in the cover of darkness.   The human nature seems to think that a dark environment means God can't see and outcomes don't matter.    The verses in this chapter don't echo those flawed thoughts.   God can see and will hold us accountable for the dark deeds done in dark alleys.

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