Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Good Leaders Elevate Others - Psalms 45-47

Psalms 45:8-9 (ESV)

your robes are all fragrant with myrrh and aloes and cassia.

From ivory palaces stringed instruments make you glad;

daughters of kings are among your ladies of honor;

at your right hand stands the queen in gold of Ophir.

Psalm 45 is a love song that is to be sung to the king.   Although sung to an earthly king it is meant to also be a song to Christ.  The entire song is a reflection of what a great leader looks like (both those on the earth and the Savior from heaven).   In the above portion of the song we read that a great leader is one who brings beauty and joy to those around them.    The attractiveness of this leader is conveyed by three descriptors:

1.  The appearance and fragrance of their presence. 

2. The sound of their celebration that makes others glad. 

3. The companions that surround them that mirror their divine image and are themselves elevated. 

You can tell the type of leadership someone conveys by these types of qualities.   The leaders who surround themselves with decisive people are not good leaders.  The leaders who bring division vs gladness of heart are not good leaders.   The leaders who do not show in the appearance the glory of the position they hold are not good leaders.  Christ shows these three qualities.  He is clothed in grace, provides supernatural joy and elevates the companions who follow Him.    These qualities should be the same qualities of great leaders today.   Regretfully, most leaders today are not.   Psalm 45 would be a great psalm for our leaders to study today.    Great leadership is attractive and lifts and elevates those around them.  Notice that last line from above.  The leader is surrounded by the queen who is clothed in gold of Ophir.  Great leadership brings blessings to those around them.   They elevate and multiply the fortunes of others.  Christ elevated us from sin and clothed us in the riches of His grace.    That is what leadership does.   

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