Sunday, November 19, 2023

Elders! 1 Peter 4-5

 1 Peter 5:2-3 (ESV)

shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly; not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock.

Peter is writing to a church that is under persecution from the outside.   He has outlined how believers should live in front of those around them who wish to persecute them.  In the above passage, however, he turns to the leadership of the church and tells them how to live in front of the believers in the church.   They are to be examples as they SHEPHERD the flock OF God.   The first point to make in this passage is that they shepherd a flock of people that belong to God and not them.   This is not THEIR church.   These are not THEIR people.   They shepherd GOD’S people.   Peter than goes on, with that premise, and tells them how to shepherd:

1.  Exercising oversight:   They are to take the approach that they are over-watching the flock.  This is the Greek word: episkopeō.   From it we get the English word Episcopalian.    This is an administrative function of the elder.  

2.  With a willing spirit and not under compulsion, for God chose them for this role.   This leadership role is not to be down with groaning, but with an eagerness and willing spirit.  This is a chosen position given to them by God.   They are to serve with a spirit that reflects that choosing.  Note how the author of the book of Hebrews said it:

Hebrews 13:17 (ESV)

Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.

3.  They are not to serve for gain of wealth or power.   It is interesting how most church bodies make sure the wealth is not there.   We tend to pay those who serve a despicable wage.   We often point to this verse to justify under paying the elder.   But, they are NOT to serve MOTIVATED by material goods. Or, to accumulate power.   

4.  They are to serve eagerly.   That means without hesitation.  They should not shrink back in fear.  They are to step forward. That is what leadership does.   It does not avoid the hard stuff but is eager to serve and lead.  

5.  They are not to dominate the flock.  This again speaks toward power.   They are to make sure they have a humble spirit.  It is hard to lead from behind when you are placed up front.  But, that is the point of the elder.  They are to be great leaders by being great servants.    

6.  They are to be examples to the flock.  This might be the toughest of all.  They are failing believers because they are human.   They have sin in their lives like all others.  Yet, they are to strive to set the example of how to live a holy life in a corrupt world.   Those they lead, God’s sheep, will be the first to notice their failures and the first to point them out.   They (the flock) will be the first to criticize every decision of the elder.   Yet, they are to be an example of not only how they lead but how they handle that very criticism.  

This is the lot of the elder.   This is probably why few which to accept the role when offered to them.   

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