Sunday, June 11, 2023

Kill the Flesh - Galatians 4-6

 Galatians 5:24 (ESV)
And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

What does that verse mean in the context of our day of Christianity?   Of course, it means the same thing now as it did in the context of Paul’s day, but what did he mean?  To discover the meaning we have to recall the reason Paul was writing to the churches in Galatia.  He was there and gave them his heart and soul.  When he was there they actually cared for him.  The health issue with his sight had caused them to care for him (4:12-13).   He established them in their faith.   Now they were being lead astray by false teachers who wanted them to come to Christ through faith AND circumcision.    Paul wrote the letter to remind them that their faith in Christ’s finished work was enough.    He wanted them to remember that they could do NOTHING in their FLESH to acquire God’s grace.  This is the context for the above verse.  In fact, Paul states, those who belong to Christ have “crucified the flesh” with all “its passions and desires.”   He wants them to know that the flesh has no good thing in it and was crucified with Christ on the cross.   Since we “belong” to Christ our flesh has no more value or control over us.  He continues, practically, to be part of our lives, but it is not offering anything good to help us obtain God’s grace.  The flesh (our human indulgences) has no good thing to offer God.   These false teachers wanted to emphasize doing works in the flesh to please God.  But, the flesh was killed (crucified) by Christ’s work on the cross, so whatever they were having them do, was doing nothing at all for their walk in faith.   We are often thinking that we can “do it ourselves.”  But our flesh was crucified.   It was killed off regarding merit for grace.   This is why Paul finishes this section by saying:

Galatians 5:25-26 (ESV)
If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.

Walking in the Spirit means that I am not recognizing the flesh.   We are not to compare ourselves with others and envy what others are doing.  We are to walk in the Spirit and be sensitive to what the Spirit wants.   Let us rejoice in the Spirit and live as we are: Crucified in the flesh.   

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