Wednesday, December 28, 2022

The Art of Worship - Psalms 149-150

 Psalms 150

There is no doubt that the book of Psalms is all about praise.  It is, in reality, the song book for a nation who is to sing praises to their King.  This last chapter is a great microcosm of the entire book.  In this little six verse chapter that concludes the 150 chapter book, note how we have a summary of true Biblical worship. 

In verse on the writer tells us WHO to worship: 

v1a - Praise the Lord!

We are to make sure our entire focus is to be on "The Lord."   Too many people worship the band, the place, or the experience of worship and lose focus on the fact that it is the Lord who is to receive all of our praise and focus. 

We are also told WHERE to worship in this chapter:

v. 1b - Praise God in His sanctuary;
Praise Him in His mighty expanse.

Then we are told WHAT  to worship:

v. 2 - Praise Him for His mighty deeds;
Praise Him according to His excellent greatness.

Our focus on worship are both the character and the acts of God in our lives.  We are to praise Him, not complain to Him, about what He is doing in our lives.  

We are also told in this chapter HOW to praise Him:

v. 3-5
Praise Him with trumpet sound;
Praise Him with harp and lyre. 
Praise Him with timbrel and dancing;
Praise Him with stringed instruments and pipe. 
Praise Him with loud cymbals;
Praise Him with resounding cymbals.

This implies we are to make some noise for God.  It is a sad fact that we can scream, holler and look like fools when our team scores a touchdown, goal or point, but in worship we must be formal and funeral-like.  These instruments are basically noisy instruments.   The harp and lyre might be soothing and calm, but the trumpet, timbrel, pipes and cymbals are not.  In fact, the writer tells us to use "loud" cymbals.  And, in case we missed it, he goes on to tell us to use "resounding" cymbals.   We are also to get our entire body into worship.   Note that is says with "dancing."   Again, scoring a touchdown might cause us to high five someone we don't even know.   Why can't we stand up and get into our worship with the same vigor knowing it is for the God of the universe who saved us and defeated death and Satan?   

Lastly the chapter tells us WHO should worship.  No one is exempt:

v. 6 - Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord!

Anything that uses the air God created is to exhale that breath in praise.  We are to inhale God's creation and exhale God's praise.   That is the order.  Breath in God's life and breath out God's praise.   This chapter is an instruction sheet on how to do chapters 1-149.   Praise Him!!!

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