Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Satisfaction in God - Psalms 63-65

 Psalms 65:2-4 (ESV)
O you who hear prayer,
to you shall all flesh come.
When iniquities prevail against me,
you atone for our transgressions.
Blessed is the one you choose and bring near,
to dwell in your courts!
We shall be satisfied with the goodness of your house,
the holiness of your temple!

The above verses should appear some place in the New Testament as a summary of the Gospel.  To those who teach that the Gospel is ONLY a NT doctrine, these three verses challenge that thinking.  Here is the Gospel plan and simple.   The writer is exalting God as the One who hears our prayers.  As we see as the psalm unfolds, it is the prayer of repentance and the seeking of forgiveness that Yahweh hears.   It is He who “atones” for our transgressions.  This is first and foremost a call for forgiveness of sins to the only One who can forgive sins.   But, it does not stop there.  Yahweh also wants to bless us.  The writer does not get caught up in the pleasures of them world, but rather sees that his satisfaction is found in the “goodness” of God’s house.  He wants to go to the Temple for worship because that is where (in the OT) God’s presence was seen.  This psalm is one of repentance and then praise for the satisfaction that is found in a relationship with Yahweh.  The song goes on to utter more and more praise to God for what He provides to those who seek Him.  But, we must first and foremost seek Him in repentance to atone for our sins.  That brings us into a great place to find satisfaction in life through Him.  

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