Sunday, June 27, 2021

Tough Decision? - Philippians 1-2

Tough Decision? 

Philippians 1:23-24

I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better. But to remain in the flesh is more necessary on your account.

Paul is writing to the Philippians to encourage them to continue to walk in faith and strive for the Gospel.  There were some in the church who were trying to prevent their walk.   Paul is writing from prison and wants them to know that he is caught between two wonderful thoughts.   He knows his life will soon be over (he will be put to death within the next 5-7 years).   He knows, upon death, that he shall see Christ.   That is a glorious thought to him.   But, he also wants to encourage the saints. Those at Philippi and those around the world.   Paul has a mission to declare the mystery of the Gospel to mankind.   Now he is caught between these two things he values.   If value is the weight of importance you put on something at a particular moment in life, Paul is saying he is caught between these two weighty values.   Departing to be with Christ is far better, he states.  But, to remain alive to encourage them is necessary.   He makes the obvious choice about what is more valuable, but that does not displace the necessary.   He writes this letter to fulfill the later, while preparing his life to embrace the former.   Paul is not tied to this world.  But, he is tied to his purpose in this world.   That is a key to successful decision making.   Make every decision as though you are going to be before Christ tomorrow.   But, make every decision as though you are serving the Body of Christ today.  

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