Wednesday, October 28, 2020

The World’s Philosophy Does NOT Work!! - Psalms 125-127

 Psalms 127:2 (ESV Strong's)

2 It is in vain that you rise up early

and go late to rest,

eating the bread of anxious toil;

for he gives to his beloved sleep.

The World’s Philosophy Does NOT Work!

There is now doubt, that in our society today, work ethic is rewarded.   Those who get to work and get it done are promoted and given more and more responsibility.   Lazy people are wedded out or left behind.   Burning the candle at both ends is a normative for the business world.   Having a pace in life that focuses on something other than work is viewed as a distraction.  We like to tell everyone how many “hours” we are working.  Yet, we often don’t count the ones when sitting at home doing our work.   Rising early and staying up late is a societal virtue.  But, it is not a virtue of godliness.  Is all about balance.   God does not want us to be anxious.  He does want us to allow Him to work in our lives.  He wants us to take advantage of one of His greatest gifts: SLEEP!   Sleep is a gift from God.  It is given to us to renew our bodies and minds for another day.   When we cheat ourselves out of God’s gift of sleep we do a disservice to our minds and bodies.  Even the unbelieving world has discovered the value, beauty and necessity of sleep.   The writer here is not talking about too much sleep. Notice what Solomon stated about lazy people on two separate occasions:

Proverbs 6:10-11 (ESV Strong's)

10 A little sleep, a little slumber,

a little folding of the hands to rest,

11 and poverty will come upon you like a robber,

and want like an armed man.

Proverbs 24:33-34 (ESV Strong's)

33 A little sleep, a little slumber,

a little folding of the hands to rest,

34 and poverty will come upon you like a robber,

and want like an armed man.

Either those who copied down Solomon’s proverbs simply made a mistake and copied this one twice, or he meant to tell us twice.  Too much sleep will cause poverty to come upon us.  However, not enough sleep will cause us impoverish health.  The world would love to have balance.  But, true Biblical balance starts with praising God for His remarkable gift of sleep.   The world’s system does not work.   God’s system does.   

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