Monday, June 15, 2020

He Shall Be Forgiven - Leviticus 4-6

Leviticus 4:20 (ESV Strong's)
20 Thus shall he do with the bull. As he did with the bull of the sin offering, so shall he do with this. And the priest shall make atonement for them, and they shall be forgiven.

Leviticus 4:26 (ESV Strong's)
26 And all its fat he shall burn on the altar, like the fat of the sacrifice of peace offerings. So the priest shall make atonement for him for his sin, and he shall be forgiven.

Leviticus 4:31 (ESV Strong's)
31 And all its fat he shall remove, as the fat is removed from the peace offerings, and the priest shall burn it on the altar for a pleasing aroma to the LORD. And the priest shall make atonement for him, and he shall be forgiven.

Leviticus 4:35 (ESV Strong's)
35 And all its fat he shall remove as the fat of the lamb is removed from the sacrifice of peace offerings, and the priest shall burn it on the altar, on top of the LORD'S food offerings. And the priest shall make atonement for him for the sin which he has committed, and he shall be forgiven.

He Shall Be Forgiven

In each of the above passages we read the words, “he shall be forgiven.”   Perhaps the greatest feeling someone can experience is the grace of forgiveness.  Imagine you accidentally cut of the car behind you and the driver instantly forgives you and expresses that forgiveness with a gentle wave and a smile.   Imagine you offend or hurt your spouse in some way and he/she instantly forgives you with a warm s,ole and soothing hug.  Imagine at work you mess up, unintentionally, and lose a big account or an important customer.  But, your boss does no fire you, he/she instead forgives you and takes you to lunch.   Or, even better, you sin against a holy and righteous
God, numerous times, and this same God not just forgives you, but gives up His Son to die for those very sins.  Imagine!  

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