Wednesday, November 20, 2019

All In His Name - Psalms 134-146

Psalms 135:3 (ESV Strong's)
Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good;
sing to his name, for it is pleasant!

All In His Name

Solomon said the following about a name:

Proverbs 22:1 (ESV Strong's)
A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches,
and favor is better than silver or gold.

When you hear someone’s name, what do you think about?  Does the name of the person conjure up good or bad feelings?   Does the name give you strength or draw energy out of you?   What does the name mean to you?   In the above text we are told to “praise the Lord, FOR the Lord is good; sing to his name, FOR IT IS IS PLEASANT.    When we hear the name of Jesus we are to rejoice and praise Him because He is GOOD and His name is PLEASANT! The Hebrew word for “pleasant” could be translated “beautiful.”   The same word is uses in Psalm 16 as follows:

Psalms 16:11 (ESV Strong's)
You make known to me the path of life;
in your presence there is fullness of joy;
at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

That passage tells us that at God’s right hand there is pleasure.   Who is at God’s right hand?   The writer of Hebrews uses the phrase to tell us that Christ is at the right hand of God.   So, where are the pleasures of life?  They are found in Christ.   So, when we hear the name of Jesus we should think of the pleasures of God.  His name should bring pleasure to our mind.   We embrace Him because He embraces us and loves us.  The name of Jesus is good and pleasant.

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